In the upcoming action film, James Purefoy's Marshall and other members of Knight Templar struggle against King John to defend the freedom of their country.
A look at action adventure movie "Ironclad" has been shared in a new sneak peek for the film. Debuted while the film is still being shot, the video hints how intense the film will be by highlighting the battle scenes.
Based on a legendary story, "Ironclad" is set in 13th century England and tells the story of a formidable Knight Templar named Marshall. Joined by his "Magnificent Seven", they defend historic Rochester Castle against the tyrant, King John, and his mercenary army.
James Purefoy plays the major character opposite Paul Giamatti who tackles the role of King John. The film additionally has Robert Carlyle, Bob Hoskins and William Moseley among the cast ensemble. Directed by Jonathan English, the movie is currently in production in Wales. It is planned to be premiered in 2010, but no exact release date has been set.
In the upcoming action film, James Purefoy's Marshall and other members of Knight Templar struggle against King John to defend the freedom of their country.
A look at action adventure movie "Ironclad" has been shared in a new sneak peek for the film. Debuted while the film is still being shot, the video hints how intense the film will be by highlighting the battle scenes.
Based on a legendary story, "Ironclad" is set in 13th century England and tells the story of a formidable Knight Templar named Marshall. Joined by his "Magnificent Seven", they defend historic Rochester Castle against the tyrant, King John, and his mercenary army.
James Purefoy plays the major character opposite Paul Giamatti who tackles the role of King John. The film additionally has Robert Carlyle, Bob Hoskins and William Moseley among the cast ensemble. Directed by Jonathan English, the movie is currently in production in Wales. It is planned to be premiered in 2010, but no exact release date has been set.