Obamas host July Fourth BBQ for heroes at the White House as America celebrates 234 years of independence

By Daily Mail Reporter

Barack and Michelle Obama welome their guests to the White House for the July 4th knees-up

The first family hosted a July Fourth bash for members of the military and their families yesterday as Americans around the world celebrated the anniversary of their nation's independence.

The Obama party came complete with a barbecue and view of the evening's fireworks from the South Lawn of the White House and doubled as a birthday party for the President's daughter Malia, who turned 12.

Red and blue tablecloths covered tables on the South Lawn and American flags popped up from flower arrangements on the tables.

Nearby on the National Mall, thousands of people gathered to hear performances by singers Reba McEntire, Gladys Knight and David Archuleta before watching the big fireworks show.

In his address to the nation from the White House, the President said: 'Today we celebrate the 234th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the beginning of a great experiment, American democracy.

'In every corner of our country, we recall the valour and vision of patriots from Thirteen Colonies who declared independence from a powerful empire and gave birth to a new Nation

'We gather in town centers and wave flags in parades not only to recall this history we share, but also to honor the vibrant and enduring spirit of America established on this day.

'For those gallant first Americans, such a nation as ours may have seemed like an unattainable dream. Their concept was revolutionary: a government of, by, and for the people. Yet, our founders' tenacity, resolve, and courage in the face of seemingly impossible odds became the bedrock of our country.

'That essence has permeated our land and inspired generations of Americans to explore, discover, and redefine the outer reaches of our infinite potential. It has become the foundation of the American dream.'

'We gather in town centers and wave flags in parades not only to recall this history we share, but also to honor the vibrant and enduring spirit of America established on this day.

'For those gallant first Americans, such a nation as ours may have seemed like an unattainable dream. Their concept was revolutionary: a government of, by, and for the people. Yet, our founders' tenacity, resolve, and courage in the face of seemingly impossible odds became the bedrock of our country.

'That essence has permeated our land and inspired generations of Americans to explore, discover, and redefine the outer reaches of our infinite potential. It has become the foundation of the American dream.'

President Obama greets guests at the Independence Day party for military members and families plus government employees

The President meets and greets and, right, addressing his guests from the balcony at the White House

Meanwhile, the nation's largest fireworks show lit up the skies in a burst of red, white and blue over the Hudson River straddling New York and New Jersey, a scene that was being repeated in hundreds of communities in a sizzling end to a scorching day for much of the U.S.

'It's amazing on TV,' said Marcos Jimenez, a golf caddy who joined thousands of others lining the riverfront for a prime view of the show. 'I figured seeing it live would be even better.'

Tables and decorations dot the South Lawn of the White House ahead of a Fourth of July barbeque for military members and families hosted by President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama

Budget cuts forced some communities to pull the plug on the pyrotechnics, but the gigantic Macy's fireworks show went on as planned on Manhattan's West Side, where it moved in 2009 after eight years on the East River.

The show, which aired live on NBC, began just before 9.30pm with huge fireballs exploding in the night sky to the strains of patriotic tunes like Stars And Stripes Forever and The Battle Hymn Of The Republic.

Fireworks shaped like planets and smiling faces were a feature of the Macy's fireworks in New York

The shimmering fireworks that streaked across the night sky replaced a blazing sun that broiled nearly everywhere east of the Mississippi with temperatures in the 90s Fahrenheit.

In Washington, vendors with stocked coolers hawked bottles of water along Constitution Avenue. There was a long line for watermelon and near the Washington Monument, firefighters and U.S. Park Police officers sprayed hoses into the crowd.

Fireworks explode over the New York City skyline as part of the Independence Day celebration in New York

The White House is illuminated by fireworks as America celebrates 234 years of independence

In Bellevue, Iowa, a 60-year-old woman was killed and at least 23 other people were injured at a parade after two horses pulling a wagon took off, running into spectators along the streets, police said.

In New York, American Joey Chestnut won the annual Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest on Brooklyn's Coney Island for the fourth straight year, but one of his biggest rivals tried to crash the celebration and was taken into custody.

Six-time champion Takeru Kobayashi, who has not signed a contract with Major League Eating to be free to compete in contests sanctioned by other groups, charged on stage after the competition.

In Washington, thousands gathered on the National Mall were treated to 17 minutes of fireworks, shot off behind the Washington Monument.

Goo Goo Dolls headlined a July Fourth concert in Philadelphia, where the declaration of independence was signed in 1776

Thousands of visitors sat on the steps of the U.S. Capitol for the July 4 concert, featuring David Archuleta, Reba McEntire and the National Symphony Orchestra.

Vice President Joe Biden arrived in Iraq on Saturday evening for the holiday weekend, his second visit there this year, and attended a citizenship ceremony at one of Saddam Hussein's former hunting lodges.

Festivities in Philadelphia, where the Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4, 1776, will conclude today after 11 days of parades and concerts. The Goo Goo Dolls headlined a free concert on Sunday night, followed by a fireworks show.

There were more than 40 firework displays in Los Angeles. One of the largest in the area was held at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. Fire crews have spread fire retardant on the nearby hillsides to prevent sparks from igniting brush fires.

Staying cool: Temperatures soared across much of the U.S., prompting Americans to stay cool however they could

Chicago traditionally celebrated a day early on July 3 with a fireworks display that drew more than 1million people.

In Seattle, local businesses and individuals donated the $500,000 needed for the city's 20-minute fireworks show, in which three tons of explosives will be set off over Lake Union.

In Durango, Colorado, the fireworks display went on thanks to embattled oil giant BP.
The company stepped forward in December to pay for the fireworks show, five months before oil began spilling from the spot in the Gulf of Mexico where one of the company's rigs exploded.

City officials were poised to cancel the $15,000 show because of a budget crunch but BP, which drills for natural gas in Colorado, offered to pick up the tab.

source: dailymail


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