Girls day out! Lindsay Lohan steps out with friends as she takes another break from rehab



Out with the girls: Lindsay Lohan left rehab in Rancho Mirage, California for a little outing with friends yesterday

It looks like Lindsay Lohan is on the most fun rehabilitation programme possible.

The actress stepped out of Betty Ford again yesterday, this time to meet up with some friends.

Dressed in tight black trousers and a blue top, the 24-year-old looked relaxed and happy as she headed out with the girls.

Despite her healthy appearance, Lindsay is apparently in discomfort due to having her wisdom teeth removed.

The Mean Girls star is refusing to take any painkillers for the surgery, and is determined to manage without the drugs.

Lindsay certainly seems to be making leaps and bounds in terms of her recovery, and the clinic has even given her the go ahead to do a photo shoot next week in the Palm Springs area for a major magazine.

LA ladies: Lindsay is apparently doing very well at the Betty Ford Clinic

All of her recent outings have been permitted by staff at centre, and being allowed to do the shoot is yet more evidence that Lindsay is doing well.

She is now living in a sober house which is part of Betty Ford, as a transition to life after rehab.

'The move to the sober house is part of the program so that Lindsay is integrated back into society, and all the outings she's taken have been pre-approved and encouraged by program representatives,' says Lindsay's lawyer Shawn Chapman Holley to TMZ .

Holley adds, 'I've spoken with her counselors who say she's complying with all of the program directives.'

Good to go! Lindsay has been given the go-ahead to take part in a photo shoot next week

Lindsay has already met her estranged father, Michael Lohan, twice this week in an attempt to build bridges.

She and Michael first met up on Sunday at the Betty Ford Clinic, under the condition that Michael, 50, is not allowed to speak to the press any more about his daughter.

The actress once called him a 'pathological liar' on Twitter, adding: 'When will it ever end... it's been going on my whole life with him - hasn't he caused enough pain?'

Say ahhhh! Lindsay shows Michael how her wisdom teeth are healing
She has also said: 'I think my biggest focus for myself is learning how to continue to get through the trauma that my father has caused in my life.'

But now she is ready to build bridges with Michael again - assuming he sticks to his promise of not talking about her to the press.

Apparently the meetings have been very positive so far.

'It was an emotional reunion… there were hugs, kisses and even a few tears when Michael and Lindsay first saw each other,' a source told

source :dailymail

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