Hunt for dog-baiting thug caught on camera savagely kicking his pet



Thug lashes out: Scenes showing a hooded man launching a violent attack on his pet dog in a park in South east London earlier this month

This is the moment a hooded thug lashed out at his cowering pet, kicking the poor animal repeatedly and yanking it off the ground with savage pulls of its lead.

The shocking scenes were posted on YouTube by the RSPCA as part of its appeal to identify the violent owner and rescue the dog from further abuse.

The video, captured by a concerned onlooker on 1 October and posted on the website at the weekend, shows the man launching his savage attack after the animal attempts to sit down as they cross an open space in Knee Hill Park, near Woolwich, South East London.

He kicks the animal repeatedly - with one blow so forceful that it forces the dog into the air - and violently yanks the lead several times, causing the beast to twist and turn as it attempts to escape further pain. The man, thought to be in his 20s, is wearing a grey hooded top and faded jeans.

Savage: The animal cowers as the violent attack continues. The RSPCA is appealing for information about the owner

The shocking scenes have provoked outraged comments from animal-lovers on YouTube and internet forums, with one viewer describing the owner as 'sub-human' and another saying: 'I hate people with a passion that abuse or neglect animals. I hope he can be identified and punished... This looks like just a pup even, poor thing.'

RSPCA inspector Vicky Dawe said the charity is hoping someone will recognise the owner from the footage and get in touch. 'We need to find him so we can stop this dog suffering any more cruelty like this.'

Anyone with information is asked to call the RSPCA on 0300 123 4999.

Cruel: the thug yanks the helpless dog into the air by pulling violently on its lead

source : dailymail

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