Is Kim Kardashian piling on the pounds? Famous curves appear bigger than usual



Over indulging? A heavier looking Kim Kardashian appears to be ready to bust out of her skin tight jeans today in New York City

In the last few weeks Kim Kardashian has been partying a lot, attending seven different celebrations to mark her milestone 30th birthday.

So perhaps that explains why her famously curvy figure appears to be expanding.
New pictures of Kardashian in skin tight jeans out and about in New York show she may have indulged in a few too many slices of cake.

Just seven months ago, Kim looked considerably slimmer in a picture taken March 16 at New York Fashion Week

Even though she was fashionably dressed from head-to-toe in black jeans and boots, the tabloid magnet appears to have outgrown her trousers, which are pulling at the seams.

Pictures taken of her in March at New York Fashion week showed her with a much slimmer body in a figure-hugging one-shoulder mini dress.

Kim, who at 5ft 2in claimed to be a U.S. size 2 just a few months ago, has famously battled her weight for years.
Perhaps too many milkshakes and birthday cake are the latest reason for her weight gain.

Another calorie-laden mean? Kim her sister Kourtney Kardashian after grabbing some warm apple cider and pie from a restaurant in New York City Friday

In July, the headline grabbing Kardashian sister preached about the benefits of exercise, healthy eating, and weight-loss supplements, telling Life and Style she lost ten pounds, through a combination of exercise, healthy eating, and weight-loss supplements.

'Before, all I’d have for breakfast was a Grande Soy Chai Latte,' Kim said adding she eats either oatmeal or eggs, turkey bacon and fruit.

She told the magazine she eats protein at every meal to fill up and makes sure not to deprive herself.

'If I feel like a milk shake, I have one,' said Kim.

And she's true to her word. Yesterday she was spotted indulging in a slice of apple pie and a glass of warm cider, with slender sister Kourtney.

source :dailymail

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